GR-40 Workshop at GMRIT, Rajam, Srikakulam(Dist.), A.P.
Event: GR-40 Workshop
Date: 4th, 5th and 6th February 2012
College: GMR Institute of Technology
Branch: Electronics and Communication
Venue: Rajam, Srikakulam (Dist.), A.P.
Number of groups for kit assembly: 33 Kits
Number of days of workshop: 3 days
Day 1: The workshop was started with an inauguration function held in the auditorium where Prof.Basavaraj
Neelgar, HOD of ECE Dept. GMRIT, Sri Ramaprabhu, G.M. Micronova Impex Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, Dr. C.L.V.R.S.V. Prasad, Principal of GMRIT, Mr. K.
Krishna Kishore,
Asst. Professor GMRIT were present. The GR-40 kits were handed over to the students and a brief explanation of the GR-40 was given for the students and faculty. The students started to assemble the kits.
Day 2: The whole day was spent on assembling the kits. Later in the evening about 15 kits were ready to test and completed.
Day 3: Sri. Ramaprabhu gave a seminar lecture on ISDR to the students and faculty. Later on the students completed the GR-40 receivers and by evening all the 33 kits were completed and was tested using the inverted V antenna. Later on in the day, certificates were handed over to the students by Prof.Basavaraj
Neelgar, HOD of ECE Dept. GMRIT, Sri Ramaprabhu,
G.M. Micronova Impex Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, Mr. K.
Krishna Kishore,
Asst. Professor GMRIT.
Neelgar, HOD of ECE Dept. GMRIT, Sri Ramaprabhu,
G.M. Micronova Impex Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, Dr. C.L.V.R.S.V. Prasad,
Principal of GMRIT at the inauguration function |
Students opening the kits and deciphering the components |
GMRIT students assembling the kit |
Component placement and soldering in progress |
Engineer Vishwas, MIPL Bangalore helping the students |
Kit assembly |