Hello Everyone,
In this project we have used PIC16F688 Microcontroller and have made it very simple to understand the UART operations, transmission and reception. A feature available in PIC16F688 is the Auto-Baud Rate which we have not used in this project. The baud rate used here is 1200 bauds with Fosc = 4 MHz.
Desired Baud Rate = FOSC/ [64([SPBRGH:SPBRG] + 1)]
Using the above formula the Hex value to be loaded in the SPBRG and SPBRGH can be calculated.
The procedure for the Asynchronous Transmission Set-up:
1. Initialize the SPBRGH & SPBRG register pair, BRGH and BRG16 bits to achieve the desired baud rate
2. Enable the asynchronous serial port by clearing the SYNC bit and setting the SPEN bit.
3. If 9-bit transmission is desired, set the TX9 control bit. A set ninth data bit will indicate that the 8 Least
Significant data bits are an address when the receiver is set for address detection.
4. Enable the transmission by setting the TXEN control bit. This will cause the TXIF interrupt bit to be set.
5. If interrupts are desired, set the TXIE interrupt enable bit. An interrupt will occur immediately provided
that the GIE and PEIE bits of the INTCON register are also set.
6. If 9-bit transmission is selected, the ninth bit should be loaded into the TX9D data bit.
7. Load 8-bit data into the TXREG register. This will start the transmission.
The procedure for the Asynchronous Reception Set-up:
1. Initialize the SPBRGH & SPBRG register pair, BRGH and BRG16 bits to achieve the desired baud rate
2. Enable the serial port by setting the SPEN bit. The SYNC bit must be clear for asynchronous operation.
3. If interrupts are desired, set the RCIE interrupt enable bit and set the GIE and PEIE bits of the INTCON
4. If 9-bit reception is desired, set the RX9 bit.
5. Enable reception by setting the CREN bit.
6. The RCIF interrupt flag bit will be set when a character is transferred from the RSR to the receive buffer.
An interrupt will be generated if the RCIE interrupt enable bit was also set.
7. Read the RCSTA register to get the error flags and, if 9-bit data reception is enabled, the ninth data bit.
8. Get the received 8 Least Significant data bits from the receive buffer by reading the RCREG register.
9. If an overrun occurred, clear the OERR flag by clearing the CREN receiver enable bit.
A simple diagram for the UART Demonstration is provided below:
We are also providing the sample codes for the UART Tx. and Rx.:
Asynchronous Transmission program:-
Asynchronous Reception Program:-
UART Rx. ASM File: Click Here (ASM)
UART Rx. HEX File: Click Here (HEX)
UART Tx. ASM File: Click Here (ASM)
UART Tx. HEX File: Click Here (HEX)
Well we actually did not do this mini project for the sake of RnD as it was just a revisit. Some students from Jyothi Nivas College wanted to learn and do this project for a learning curve. Here are some of the pictures of the student who made the receiver and the transmitter.
"A Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, abbreviated UART, is a piece of computer hardware that translates data between parallel and serial forms. UARTs are commonly used in conjunction with communication standards such as EIA, RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485. The universal designation indicates that the data format and transmission speeds are configurable. The electric signaling levels and methods (such as differential signaling etc.) are handled by a driver circuit external to the UART." - Courtesy Wikipedia
Today we are going to revisit the UART Tx. and Rx. in a different configuration and different PIC Microcontroller. Our previous post: Click Here also covers a similar post on UART. But we have used PIC16F628A Microcontroller. The protocol used in the project is RS485. The IC used for the project to follow the RS485 is MAX485In this project we have used PIC16F688 Microcontroller and have made it very simple to understand the UART operations, transmission and reception. A feature available in PIC16F688 is the Auto-Baud Rate which we have not used in this project. The baud rate used here is 1200 bauds with Fosc = 4 MHz.
Desired Baud Rate = FOSC/ [64([SPBRGH:SPBRG] + 1)]
Using the above formula the Hex value to be loaded in the SPBRG and SPBRGH can be calculated.
The procedure for the Asynchronous Transmission Set-up:
1. Initialize the SPBRGH & SPBRG register pair, BRGH and BRG16 bits to achieve the desired baud rate
2. Enable the asynchronous serial port by clearing the SYNC bit and setting the SPEN bit.
3. If 9-bit transmission is desired, set the TX9 control bit. A set ninth data bit will indicate that the 8 Least
Significant data bits are an address when the receiver is set for address detection.
4. Enable the transmission by setting the TXEN control bit. This will cause the TXIF interrupt bit to be set.
5. If interrupts are desired, set the TXIE interrupt enable bit. An interrupt will occur immediately provided
that the GIE and PEIE bits of the INTCON register are also set.
6. If 9-bit transmission is selected, the ninth bit should be loaded into the TX9D data bit.
7. Load 8-bit data into the TXREG register. This will start the transmission.
The procedure for the Asynchronous Reception Set-up:
1. Initialize the SPBRGH & SPBRG register pair, BRGH and BRG16 bits to achieve the desired baud rate
2. Enable the serial port by setting the SPEN bit. The SYNC bit must be clear for asynchronous operation.
3. If interrupts are desired, set the RCIE interrupt enable bit and set the GIE and PEIE bits of the INTCON
4. If 9-bit reception is desired, set the RX9 bit.
5. Enable reception by setting the CREN bit.
6. The RCIF interrupt flag bit will be set when a character is transferred from the RSR to the receive buffer.
An interrupt will be generated if the RCIE interrupt enable bit was also set.
7. Read the RCSTA register to get the error flags and, if 9-bit data reception is enabled, the ninth data bit.
8. Get the received 8 Least Significant data bits from the receive buffer by reading the RCREG register.
9. If an overrun occurred, clear the OERR flag by clearing the CREN receiver enable bit.
A simple diagram for the UART Demonstration is provided below:
We are also providing the sample codes for the UART Tx. and Rx.:
Asynchronous Transmission program:-
LIST P=16F688 ;PIC16F688
#include <P16f688.inc> ;Include header file
ERRORLEVEL -302 ;Remove message about using proper bank
dataL equ 20H
data1 equ 21H
temp1 equ 2AH
a1 equ 28h
a1_1 equ 29h
ORG 0x000 ; Program starts at 0x000
; --------------------------------
; --------------------------------
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select BANK 0
movlw 7
movwf CMCON0 ; CMCON0=7 set comperators off to select the Digital Lines
; ----------------
; ----------------
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select BANK 1
movlw b'00000000'
movwf TRISA ; Initialise PORT A as Output
movlw b'11101111' ; Initialise PORT C RC0,RC1,RC2,RC3 as Input. RC4 as TX and RC5 as RX
movwf TRISC
movlw b'00000000' ; Initialise PORT C as Digital Output
movwf ANSEL
; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------
; Boot Baud Rate = 1200
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select BANK 0
movlw 0x33 ; (0x33 h = 51 d = 1200 Baud Rate)
movwf SPBRG
movlw 0x00 ; (0x00 h = 00 d = 1200 Baud Rate)
movwf SPBRGH
movlw 0x00
movlw b'00100000'
movwf TXSTA ; Enable Async Transmission
movlw b'10010000' ; Enable Async Reception
movwf RCSTA
; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------
clrf dataL
settle decfsz dataL,F ; Set certain delay
goto settle
movf RCREG,W
movf RCREG,W
movf RCREG,W
; ---------
; ---------
txhere movf PORTC,0 ; Read the PORTC
movwf temp1
bcf temp1,4
bcf temp1,5
bcf temp1,6
bcf temp1,7
call send ; Send the Byte
call Delay30m
goto txhere
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
send clrf data1
delay1 decfsz data1,F ; Set certain delay
goto delay1
movf temp1,0
movwf TXREG ; Send data in W
WtHere btfss TXSTA,TRMT ; Check if the Transmission is done
goto WtHere
Delay30m ; 30 Millisecond Delay
movlw 0x6E
movwf a1
movlw 0x18
movwf a1_1
decfsz a1, f
goto $+2
decfsz a1_1, f
goto Delay30m_0
goto $+1
Asynchronous Reception Program:-
LIST P=16F688 ;PIC16F688
#include <P16f688.inc> ;Include header file
ERRORLEVEL -302 ;Remove message about using proper bank
dataL equ 20H
data1 equ 21H
data2 equ 22H
temp1 equ 2AH
a1 equ 28h
a1_1 equ 29h
ORG 0x000 ; Program starts at 0x000
; --------------------------------
; --------------------------------
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select BANK 0
movlw 7
movwf CMCON0 ; CMCON0=7 set comperators off to select the Digital Lines
; ----------------
; ----------------
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select BANK 1
movlw b'00000000'
movwf TRISA ; Initialise PORT A as Output
movlw b'11100000' ; Initialise PORT C RC0,RC1,RC2,RC3 as Output. RC4 as TX and RC5 as RX
movwf TRISC
movlw b'00000000' ; Initialise PORT C as Digital Output
movwf ANSEL
; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------
; Boot Baud Rate = 1200
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select BANK 0
movlw 0x33 ; (0x33 h = 51 d = 1200 Baud Rate)
movwf SPBRG
movlw 0x00 ; (0x00 h = 00 d = 1200 Baud Rate)
movwf SPBRGH
movlw 0x00
movlw b'00100000'
movwf TXSTA ; Enable Async Transmission
movlw b'10010000' ; Enable Async Reception
movwf RCSTA
; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------
clrf dataL
settle decfsz dataL,F ; Set certain delay
goto settle
movf RCREG,W
movf RCREG,W
movf RCREG,W
; ---------
; ---------
loop call receive ; Wait for Reception of Byte
movwf data2
movwf PORTC ; Output the received byte on PORT C
goto loop
; -------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------
; This routine does not return until a character is received.
receive btfss PIR1,RCIF ; (5) check for received data
goto receive
movf RCREG,W ; Save received data in W
UART Rx. ASM File: Click Here (ASM)
UART Rx. HEX File: Click Here (HEX)
UART Tx. ASM File: Click Here (ASM)
UART Tx. HEX File: Click Here (HEX)
Well we actually did not do this mini project for the sake of RnD as it was just a revisit. Some students from Jyothi Nivas College wanted to learn and do this project for a learning curve. Here are some of the pictures of the student who made the receiver and the transmitter.
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Simple UART Transmitter |
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Simple UART Receiver |
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The UART Rx. and Tx. in simple wire connection using RS485 Protocol |
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Students who made the UART Receiver |
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Students who made the UART Transmitter |