Here we are generating DASH along with side tone @650 Hz.
To our OLD program we are adding few lines to generate the tone.
AUDIO Amplifer LM386 is included in the circuit to listen the tone in 8 Ohms speaker.
The circuit diagram is given below:
![]() |
Circuit Diagram |
CODE for DASH generation along with side-tone
;CODE FOR DASH generation along with sidetone
list p = 12F683 ; Selected 12F683
#include<> ; Including the headerfile
; We are adding only 10 lines to our OLD program
; Whenever the paddle key GP5 (pin no 2) is pulled-down/connected to the ground,
; The KEY OUT GPIO 1 is sent HIGH and a side tone of 1 KHz @ GP2 (pin no 5)
; otherwise the paddle key is pulled HIGH through a resistor and also send
; KEY OUT to LOW (0 V) @GP1(pin no 6), No sidetone is generated.
ORG 0X00 ; Starting address for microcontroller
CLRW ; Clearing the W register
NOP ; NO operation
NOP ; NO operation
NOP ; NO operation
NOP ; NO operation
GOTO START ; goto start; Initialising the INPUT and OUTPUT PORTS
START BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Selecting the bank 1 BSF OSCCON,IRCF0 ; Internal Oscillator frequency can be configured by BCF OSCCON,IRCF1 ; enabling the appropriate registers in the OSCCON
; register BSF OSCCON,IRCF2 ; IRCF0, IRCF1,IRCF2 are the bits to select the
; various frequency ranges
BCF STATUS,RP0 ; changing to bank 0
CLRF GPIO ; Clearing the INPUT OUTPUT port registers
MOVLW 0X07 ; Moving the "7(HEX)" into the W register
MOVWF CMCON0 ; Comparators are disabled by passing the ; "7" into the COMCON0 register
; OUTPUT by passing the value to TRISIO register
;Initialising the PWM for Sidetone
; Below 8 lines are added extra to OUR OLD PROGRAM
MOVLW 0XC0 ; Writing the value "CO(HEX)" into the W register
MOVWF PR2 ; passing the value into PR2 register.
BCF STATUS,RP0 ; bank zero is selected
BSF T2CON,T2CKPS0 ; TIMER2 prescalar value is initiaizing as 1:4 ratio ; by setting T2CKPS0 bit
BCF T2CON,T2CKPS1 ; and clearing the T2CKPS1 bit in the T2CON register
BCF T2CON,TMR2ON ; Enabling the TIMER2 by setting the bit TMR2ON
MOVLW 0X0C ; Writing the value "12" into the W register
MOVWF CCP1CON ; Configuring the GP3 (pin no 5) as PWM OUTPUT
GOTO begin ; Goto begin
dashON BSF GPIO,1 ; when input is low(ZERO)make the GPIO pin no ;1 as high(LED IS ON)
; TWO more lines are added here to switch ON the PWM.
MOVWF CCPR1L ; PWM will be 50% by passing the value "62(HEX)" into the CCPR1L register.
; one more line is added here to SWITCH OFF the PWM.
CLRF CCPR1L ; PWM will become ZERO by passing the value
GOTO run ; goto run to check the condition and repeat the loop ; "0" to the CCPR1L register
; This is the OLD CODE only
begin NOP ; NO operation
run BTFSS GPIO,5 ; checking the input status of the GP5( pin no 2 of IC)
GOTO dashON ; if it is Clear(ZERO) goto dashON otherwise
GOTO dashOFF ; goto dash
END ; end of the program
; NOTE 1: This program is running with internal 2MHZ clock
; Note 2; We are using 4 NOP (No OPeration) instructions after the ORG 0X00 avoiding the risk of interrupts
; NOTE 3: program memory will begin from the address 0X00
; NOTE 4: we can configure the internal clock to work at various frequencies
; OSCCON register is used to select the frequencies
; NOTE 5: ANSEL Register is used to select the analog I/O.
; By clearing it we are making all pins as DIGITAL IO ports
; NOTE 6: we are not using any comparators in our program
; so we are disabling them by passing the value "7" into CMCON0
; NOTE 7: Three register are required to enable the PWM in 12F683
; 1. TMR2 is used to prescale the Fosc. here we are pre scalling it to 1:4 ratio
; 2. PR2 is used to select the period of the PWM
; PR2 = PWM period/(4*Tosc* TMR2prescalar)-1
; 3. CCPR1L register is used to assign the duty cycle of PWM
; we are using 8 bit PWM => 62(HEX) is passing into the register to get 50% PWM.
; So PWM is ON.
; To switch OFF PWM we assign duty cycle 0% by resetting CCPR1L.
Here is the HEX code
MOVLW 0X07 ; Moving the "7(HEX)" into the W register
MOVWF CMCON0 ; Comparators are disabled by passing the ; "7" into the COMCON0 register
BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Changing to bank 1, because the ANSEL ; TRISIO,T2CON are in bank 1
CLRF ANSEL ; Making the INPUT & OUTPUT as digital by ; clearing the ANSEL register
MOVLW 0X38 ; moving "38" value into W register
MOVWF TRISIO ; making the GP3,GP4,GP5(pin no 5 of IC)as a input and ;GP0,GP1(pin no 6 of IC) ,GP2MOVLW 0X38 ; moving "38" value into W register
; OUTPUT by passing the value to TRISIO register
;Initialising the PWM for Sidetone
; Below 8 lines are added extra to OUR OLD PROGRAM
MOVLW 0XC0 ; Writing the value "CO(HEX)" into the W register
MOVWF PR2 ; passing the value into PR2 register.
BCF STATUS,RP0 ; bank zero is selected
BSF T2CON,T2CKPS0 ; TIMER2 prescalar value is initiaizing as 1:4 ratio ; by setting T2CKPS0 bit
BCF T2CON,T2CKPS1 ; and clearing the T2CKPS1 bit in the T2CON register
BCF T2CON,TMR2ON ; Enabling the TIMER2 by setting the bit TMR2ON
MOVLW 0X0C ; Writing the value "12" into the W register
MOVWF CCP1CON ; Configuring the GP3 (pin no 5) as PWM OUTPUT
GOTO begin ; Goto begin
dashON BSF GPIO,1 ; when input is low(ZERO)make the GPIO pin no ;1 as high(LED IS ON)
; TWO more lines are added here to switch ON the PWM.
MOVWF CCPR1L ; PWM will be 50% by passing the value "62(HEX)" into the CCPR1L register.
GOTO run ; goto run & check the condition and repeat the loop ever
dashOFF BCF GPIO,1 ; when the input is high make the GPIO pin no 1 ;as LOW(LED iS OFF); one more line is added here to SWITCH OFF the PWM.
CLRF CCPR1L ; PWM will become ZERO by passing the value
GOTO run ; goto run to check the condition and repeat the loop ; "0" to the CCPR1L register
; This is the OLD CODE only
begin NOP ; NO operation
run BTFSS GPIO,5 ; checking the input status of the GP5( pin no 2 of IC)
GOTO dashON ; if it is Clear(ZERO) goto dashON otherwise
GOTO dashOFF ; goto dash
END ; end of the program
; NOTE 1: This program is running with internal 2MHZ clock
; Note 2; We are using 4 NOP (No OPeration) instructions after the ORG 0X00 avoiding the risk of interrupts
; NOTE 3: program memory will begin from the address 0X00
; NOTE 4: we can configure the internal clock to work at various frequencies
; OSCCON register is used to select the frequencies
; NOTE 5: ANSEL Register is used to select the analog I/O.
; By clearing it we are making all pins as DIGITAL IO ports
; NOTE 6: we are not using any comparators in our program
; so we are disabling them by passing the value "7" into CMCON0
; NOTE 7: Three register are required to enable the PWM in 12F683
; 1. TMR2 is used to prescale the Fosc. here we are pre scalling it to 1:4 ratio
; 2. PR2 is used to select the period of the PWM
; PR2 = PWM period/(4*Tosc* TMR2prescalar)-1
; 3. CCPR1L register is used to assign the duty cycle of PWM
; we are using 8 bit PWM => 62(HEX) is passing into the register to get 50% PWM.
; So PWM is ON.
; To switch OFF PWM we assign duty cycle 0% by resetting CCPR1L.
Here is the HEX code
Can you please write about the development used for this project (i.e. Assembler and Programmer)?
Praveen VU3CKP